If you are interested in studying with Matthew, or for more information, please get in touch via the details below.
Saxophone/Jazz Teaching
Matthew is available to teach saxophone and/or improvisation to all ages and standards, and has a wealth of experience as an educator, including :
-Woodwind Tutor at Abercorn School (from 2017 )
-Peripatetic "Jazz Specialist" at Brentwood School (from 2016)
-Ronnie Scott's "Big Band In A Day" workshop leader (2017)
-Tutor for "Jazz Rehearsals London" (from 2015)
-NYJC "Jazz Ambassador" (2015-2016)
Matthew is also a proficient jazz pianist and is able to accompany students in a jazz context.
Mehr Clef 2022
Matthew is thrilled to be invited back to the triumphant return of the Mehr Clef Summer school as a tutor this year.
Mehr Clef is a week-long residential course comprising instrumental masterclasses, ensemble teaching, and nightly jam sessions, and is welcoming to players of all ages and standards, including those wishing to apply to music college.
For more information visit Mehrclef.com.